While i was banned... 2 things w/pics:

yeah females talking about their celexa = :bloated:

nice wolf pack.

i like the headless mary statue

you need to dust.

I have the same keyboard, I love it.

see if you guys would read that you’ll understand how newman picks up the girls he does

i cant even read half that

Damn dude, WTF is up with all of the toothpaste? Is it a Vegan dessert?

I read all of it. I think i’m in love with this girl…

You look fat and your pants are too short. dork… lol

down a couple shots and squint

oh good god.

newman it looks like you have some meaty thighs. :wink:

edit: did you tell her to just shutup and ride it or no? haha.

3 things:


hahahahahahahaha at the last one :smiley:

We can modify the pumpkin. Cut out a door and put it back on with velcro. You can sleep inside the pumpkin newman…with jam.


nice work with the pumpkin.

+30 karma points if we get pics of it in your living room.

hahahahah the last one is the best

need a new desk? i know a guy.

and i thought my desk had a little dust on it.