While i was banned... 2 things w/pics:

un pwnt:



OMG, a real bed!!


you sold out man…

thats a GM color for sure.



the last pumpikin pic rules

link to newmans ban thread?

i like my apartment, thank you.

THIS is why i was banned for 10 days… (read: rx3 is a edit edit editing edit edit)

oh and because i posted the an image of the word “fail” after the thread was started like this:


nice pants fatass!!!


your comp. desk needs a wire tuck

i like big butts and i can not lie
when newman walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in my face
i get sprung

your bedroom looks so classy, and clean.

Next time you get banned can we go get your hair permed? It would be sweet I’m sure. I’ll even grow mine out and we can get our hair permed together…

Perming is the in thing to do at my work.

Ding Ding! This wins the best comment award for this thread.

man, your life must be empty without internet forums :stuck_out_tongue:

I gotta admit I got a good laugh out of the 3rd one when you’re looking back at the heater with a big smile on your face. :lol:

And… shes probably still in middle school and/or if he has a 10 yr old sister that was probably her…

or she goes to college? :gotme: .

a real one.

that’s more than we can say about you. Let me know how that works out for you. :wink:

I dont understand what you’re trying to say, maybe I should go to a real college :cry:… And whose we you and your sister

let me alleviate any confusion we have:

you suck

stop sucking and/or go away

You’re Gay

Obviously you’re the one who sucks and :cjerk:

ok I’m done. I don’t want to get banned for 2 days and then have to make a post about the lame shit I did while I was banned