HAPPY BDAY FRY!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the puppy is there and I can bring death cat I could be in hahaha

Fry you need to get free tonight. Last thursday for my b-day I stayed in and did hw and I was bummed.


Puppy is too much of an attention whore. If he can’t be around people he flips a bitch. I would spend more time chasing him than painting.

happy bday

Since Fry wont hang out with us should we all just go sit outside of his house and drink in honor of him?

I can be over in 2-3 minutes, I have Saranac :tup:

Happy birthday. 28 ain’t shit but hoes and tricks :tup:

Meet on his front lawn later?

Let’s do it!

Sorry Fry, your neighbors are gonna hate you :wink:

happy bday dude!!

“cait, this is fry. i know him from the internet”

You haven’t met my neighbors. Several of them will be over to drink with you.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Classic.

Maybe I can sneak out for a quick one tonight. We’ll see. I’ll be in touch. :bat:

EDIT: For the record it’s got nothing to do with the wife. I’m just lame. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well Fry lmk I have hardly seen you since i moved back. Couple that with the fact that I really want an excuse to drink tonight and I will deff make it out.

Happy B Day!

OK. I’ve got your number. :pedo:

That’s just awkward.

drew is what I like to call a “sure thing”.

Happy B-Day Fry…!

Happy happy OLD man.

in for festivities Friday. No can do tonight.