Happy Bday Jason (Code Blue)!

Here is to being another year older and non the wiser! :drink


For the record, he’s having a pants party and everybody is invited. :banana

Yay Jason! Happy Birthday old man!! :benny

Happy Birthday.

And it’s Manny’s birthday too, you rude communist.

Happy Birthday

whos manny?

Some douche.

Happy Birthday !!!

happy birthday dude.

pants party and everybody is coming?

Happy Bday mang!

happy birthday for the 3rd time

a few days ago he told me it was his birthday, and it was not, he was just confused LOL

Happy birthday buddy…miss ya!!

oh yeah i miss u too jason :hug

copy cat lol

no one feels the way i do rofl

Ive known him longer :nana…good luck with that, I hope it works out for you two lol

aahahahaha yea who knows maybe it will maybe not, i always got vlad on the backburner :smiley:

BAHAHAHA thats awesome…I wonder what they have to say about this :gay

Happy birthday and fuck deadbeat

what a terrible thing to say :sad

happ birthday jason!