No more climbing up walls at O
happy bday
you fat bitch
yay Julie yay…ur getting old
Happy B-day Jeremy.
happy b day- HC driver
:bday: Princess Julie;) :wiggle:
happy b-day!
who the hells Jeremy? :gotme:
Happy birthday Julie :beer2:
Ughghhhghhhh man, I was out last night until 4am working on homework, plan on doing it again tonight. :beer2:<—redbull NO vodka :headbang: yeah, yhoo who… :bloated:
Thanks though
happy b-day asshat
Wait, if I am an asshat shouldn’t you be wearing me
:bday: Happy Birthday you fat whore…i miss you
I could always mail you a set of used panties in a variety of three flavors…
Slightly used: 1-2 days unwashed use, with pee stains and slight aroma.
Moderately used: 3-5 days unwashed use, with pee stains, brown streaks, stronger aroma, guaranteed damp on arrival.
Heavely used: Week or more use, heavily soiled, pungent stank, crusty in texture.
happy birthday Julie! :bday:
have a great one…see you at school/autoX
STS hot dog tent crew!
start drinking crunk and you’ll be all set…
Happy B-day … i challenge you to an ass race
You fat turd.