Happy Birthday Craig King


:beer: and some hoes…cammie

Hoe = Train

The train stopped at quik

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

i didnt want nothing to do with that cammie


back to the original topic:slap:

not with cammie i didnt

happy birthday craig

who the hell is craig king?

Happy birthday!

Thanks all! :slight_smile:

I will make sure to raise a glass to you all tonight :beer:. I’m hoping since last year was the big 21, this years’ I might actually remember!

Craig King http://students.cup.edu/kin1543/dancingcool.gif

x2 :wink:

Happy Bday.



happy b day

happy bday craig, if i see you at tilts tomorrow ill buy you atleast 4 beers

Thanks! But I doubt you’ll be seeing me in Tilts tomorrow night, unless there’s a Tilt’s in Washington State and you plan on flying out to meet me here. ;):slight_smile: