Happy Birthday: Fastest FBod on the Board!


Meh dosen’t matter its his b-day thread i was just trying to recall if this ws the guy i met. It was the only time i met him i think.

Woot, Thanks guys, hang’in w/y’all young guys keeps me feelin young.

Yes, Cougarspeed, I hadn’t met u b/4 that night, & we we’re never formally introduced. I think that was the night Turbo wanted to see where his “butt mt” was at for et & mph, so after we did a couple highway roll’s, he say’s I’m meet’n guys up on N. French. I laughed my ass off when I pull in the lot & Nytrus1 is there. Paul said u were my only competition. It was 03, or 04-lol

Damn hahaha i had always thought it was you but never was sure. Well nice to meet ya. My car was faster NA back then i don’t know what happened to it lol too many bottles i guess. You will have to come out when i visit this summer and take me for a ride.

happy b-day…so am i the second fastest fbody?




umm, judging by your timeslip in your profile… no.

HAHA we have some pretty fast f-bodys round hurrr.

Happy happy Joy joy

Be happy to take ya for a spin:loopie: