turbo civic > turbo Z28 drop top

Heading to that S+R cruise thing, we run into a turbo fbody.
This guy was way cooler than most of the fbody drivers here.

I was right behind them, the black hatch pulled easily.

When we got to the cruise, i checked out the guys setup, rearmount T4 (i think) on a shitty ass looking kit. The bend going into the turbo was cheated at like a 30 degree angle, and the wategate placement was kind of shitty too. The attatchement to the exhaust (which may have been stock) looked like total shit. But the guy was cool, i guess.

I must say, TURBO V8 sound >>> TURBO I4 sound

EDIT: another Fbody goes down to uncle bens. :ohnoes:

Black hatch, eh?

yeah black hatch?? :snky:???

the one with unpanited GFX was turbo? ohh it think I know where he got that.

remount kits are a major waste of money, I am deeply sorry to those who spend money on them.

On a side note, all I ever hear about is uncle bens this and that. I don’t recall ever seeing this cars? I guess I’ll be sorry when run into a hatch thinking I’m all cool and fast and gonna smoke it and I don’t.

eh, you were more or less right with your “boring” comment. It’s not a great story, but seeing another turbo fbod was cool i guess. The hatch pwning it was cooler, though.

good thing you didn’t run into any Y bodies … i know i smoked 4 f-bods a WRX and some VW POS but he dosen’t count …

whose black hatch was this one?


lol there’s only 2 i can think of

wish i coulda gone, tdown to the pool store getting busy

:lol: I’ve never heard that one before! :lol:

lol that was my sig for a long time, but i changed it due to layzie crying about it everytime i saw him lol

really? must have been some memory i suppressed :wink:

Are you ever goign to have some videos of this stuff or just run your mouth?

^^^Ouch, but the sad thing is there all true storiesHere’s one of the Hatchs.(Not Uncle Bens)

Adams Red Civic Hatch vs R6.

Not that great of a video but its ok


seriously. or have these “fast” cars run the hawk’, please.

oh noes i think the f body guys are going to cry

i dont see how telling a story qualifies as running of the mouth? :gotme:

good kill for the :snky: hatch :tup:

i dont see how telling a story qualifies as running of the mouth? :gotme:

good kill for the :snky: hatch :tup:


hmmm I guess I know now why everyone hides behind their keyboards. Of course we all know who actully shows up to meets & cruises. :tup:

so because someone doesnt want to stand around a parking lot with thier thumb in their ass its not possible for them to have a fast car?

you’re logic = :bloated: