happy birthday funky!!!

happy 21st nukka :beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

wow hadnt seen you in a long time till last night :beer:

happy birthday get wrecked

Happy B-day!

i was looking 4 a bday smiley but i guess we dont have one

happy birthday…wow you are actually legal now…here comes trouble :wink:

Yeah man, it was a blast seeing you last night. Make it a habit again…

happy birfday lemon of funk

Happy birthday

w0w, happy birthday!

hehe, we’re actually in the same age, eh? =)

:beer2: :beer2: Happy Birthday man, hope ya have a good one!

Quote the owner of the bar :

“So this kid (pointing to funky) introduces himself to me and says ‘I love this bar, I used to come here a lot, I’ve been coming here for a long time, Today is my 21st birthday!’”

Slaps head

Happy Bday

Happy Birfday Tom, I’d say something about being legal… but that doesn’t matter, as how showed! :stuck_out_tongue:


happy birthday beoatch!


Haha, I was right next to him when he said it, haha. Tom had the, “Oh shit, did I really just say that?” look going on. I almost pissed myself…

happy b-day!

bahahahaha tom youre a retard

happy b day mayan. ill give you your bday bjay tonight when i come out

woooo happy bday son, wish i was in b-lo to help celebrate.

Of course ive been going there… for dinner… that is… :wink:

Not my fault! 91MR2 wanted to know if he was the owner! I was only helping out!

This weekend > *, between my 21st and marcs bach party…

Remember the days where you didn’t like drinking? Kids I tell ya, they grow up so fast haha.

Sub Zero fooking roxors your soxors!!!