Happy Birthday Gearhead

:mullet: :beer:

Happy Birthday Jay.



thanks for your help last fall too!!!

your getting old like us…

Happy Birthday!


wait now, is old dirty george CRX George?

Thanks guys! So far its been a grand splender of nothing :bigok: …and yes, I am getting old, or at least it feels like it! big 2 4

old dirty george isn’t crx george. crx george totalled both the crx’s and bought an accord thats all ghetto’d up now…and actually just graduated college. old dirty george is much more seasoned and wise in his vehicular ways hehehehehe


We’ve met a couple of times Darkstar - I think the last time I saw you I was helping Showtime with the 'tour up at Jay’s shop. You were doing something with the turbo on the dsm, I can’t remember what. I want to say you were in my big white truck for some strange reason - maybe we were running parts or going for food or something…


if darkstar was there, I would have to have been a food run. :smiley:

happy bday!