Happy Birthday Jeff!!

Happy Birthday Jeff (Hooked on 240 ) !!! 21st is always the best lol :number1

Get back in the kitchen

Right Meow!:ahh …lol:lol

A man hits a woman with his car… whos fault is it?

The man for driving in the kitchen.

shit… had a bad feeling youd heard it before



You room with Druck and Rob fro? I didn’t know that… haha.

happy birthday u fagggg… buy beers come to my house throw party?

Happy birthday Je-fa-fa

Happy bday.

happy birfday

Happy Birthday :clap

happy birthday jeffafa…see you tonight for some birthday punches…i mean drinks lol

what a night. ugh.

haha yah why?

describe plz?

Pics or it didn’t happen.

happy belated one. mine was Friday.

I’ve known them forever. Went to HS with both, Rob’s Mom was my religion teacher back in the day. haha

happy b-day. was out of town for the weekend.