Happy Birthday Justin you old fart
Happy bday to both!
Happy bday guys
Nick you’re 25. take time out to think that 1/4 of your life is now over if you are even lucky enough to live until you are 100. Think of all the shit you haven’t done and you are already 1/4 dead.
pretty depressing
happy birthday anyway though I guess
Happy Birfday yo!
Happy birthday kicklow… not you though dc2nick, your going to jail.
Y am I going to jail?
happy birthday both
Happy Birthday lil bro! lol
Haha thanks. Murdogg. Still unsure why you wish jail upon me
hbd gentlemen
Your username is dc2nick… you don’t have a dc2.
happy birthday guys…
Its lances birthday too, happy birthday lksi!
Well shit, based on that logic we may be cell mates. Happy birthdays.
It was actually a family guy quote hahaha