Thanks everyone! :slight_smile:


ohhhhh shit, i might need to “not work” and sit with the cool kids :tup:


You’re my boy blue. :tspry:


Happy Birthday!!!

Get any good presents?


Got some bitchin Saburs stuff from the gf-unit. And yeah I am getting myself a nice present :gotme: it should be here within a few weeks hopefully http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/thankya.gif

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:39,topic:28182"”]

Happy birthday, homeslice.

Call me for a free case of blue moon. Seriously though, call me.


MMMmmm blue moon. <3 I’ll call joo. Friday Brennan’s be there! (even if its after the game if you end up going, jerk)


:bday: Hun!!! see you soon :slight_smile:


You got it. :smiley: