Happy Birthday Mike (INN-TUNE)

didn’t even know! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

ahhhh, you never texted me!

Happy Birthday BRO!

The Inn Tune crew still knows how to Party!! :beer2:


What a night. :slight_smile: lol
Those guys definetly know how to partyyyy…


Whoops I’m late, happy birthday old guy :tup:

happy b-day, how’s the hangover :wink:

happy birthday!

Thanks everyone! I definitely could have done without that one “special” drink Mike made for me, but I still had a great time. That night reminded me that I haven’t actually been drunk since college, and I don’t recover well anymore. Next year no “special” drinks. With a wife and kids I don’t get out and drink like you guys do. I’m a serious lightweight. :slight_smile:

Oh yes…the kill of the night:
me and the polar bear on Nike’s > Estorvito’s Honda

lmao… I cant beleive you guys ran 8 blocks. haahaa
Btw, i was so fucked up i had to call off work the next day. lol I puked all day long that day. lol

Good times :tup:

LOL :tup: thats the way to have a great night lol

mike, sorry i didnt make it out, i had the car out at the track. sounds like you had a great time getting older.