New Passport MAX Detector

It arguably has slightly better performance (depending on who’s biased review you watch) but overall they are neck and neck in that department.

However it has the arrows pointing you to the direction of the signal source.

The arrows I loved and miss are somewhat gimmicky as they don’t particularly help you in preventing tickets but the awareness of knowing where the cop is without having to see him is priceless. It’s almost like having your own dopler radar. You see him pop ahead as you’re in traffic then he’s to the side and then behind, thats how you know you just passed him. Also on the highway its convenient to know if he’s coming up behind you or just sitting ahead or he’s going the other way on the other side of the highway.

For long trips I’d still take the V1 as my favorite feature of the 9500ix is useless when you’re in a new to you area, but around town I like my piece and quiet.