Happy Birthday Mike! (MikeRi24)

Happy Birthday Mike!!


happy bday dude.

happy bday man

why thank you! and merry chirstmas to all!

Ahahahahah I love the fact that you made a poll.

Despite feeling a :picard: everytime you post a new poll Mike, Merry Christmas/Happy Birthday!

Also wheres the 3rd option of the poll for “do the complete opposite of everything that is suggested” :wink:

happy birthday dude.

Merry day o’birthing!


happy birthday! hahaha. love the poll.

Happy Birthday man :tup:

happy bday bud

Yeah…to be totally honest most of your posts make me want to throw my laptop at the wall but have a good bday and merry christmas.

And please…for '08 Less polls…more self reliance.

this is def a top 5 poll, and i voted merry christmas

happy birthday AND merry christmas:ohnoes:

marry chrismas to your parents

this is the best poll that mikeri24 has ever had.

I feel a little bad Mike, all this people wishing you a Merry Christmas and not a Happy Birthday LOL. You can choose Both People.
Also a random question but, Mike do you feel like you get jipped on presents because you only get the one day? I would think you would.

Lies, you only voted for one.

lols, hbd

lol @ this thread.