If he’s the new PJB, might as well be his birthday!!!

im getting him a kitten…hopefully his dad lets him keep it

Thanks guys. My mom said we can go get pizza tonight and maybe even ice cream if any one wants to go

Get those damn ducks out the pool damnit

Im just gonna go to walmart instead

How do you all know when someone’s B-day is? Ya’ll just friends IRL or off of FB?

I typically send out smoke signals

Ni99a errrrrdayyyy is a birffday

I was contemplating going to wal-mart but too much to drink. I really need oils and a filter for my truck. I must change oil, as it’s at 2,995 miles now.

Bought a 4wd truck just incase a hurricane came through town. But wait my 4wd is broke and hurricane already passed, UGHHHHHH

Got to trade this dumpy pony for sweet neon.






Sean you can come over today if you want… I was gonna have another friend but my mom said instead of that friend we can make kool aid if I only have one friend. So you’re it!

I didn’t know you were black.

I had a birthday party once. We had cake. I love cake.

cake gives me gas, but its ok bc it doesnt smell bad or anything

i remember when i was in 6th grade and the first girl i had a crush on punched me in the face bc she liked me back. she wanted to hold my hand at recess but i didnt let her bc she hit me and made fun of my cat

one time on halloween my dog got loose and ate so much candy including bubble gum… he died. i guess animals arent supposd to have chocolate

just got home from the dollar store and they were all out of dollars. i was pissed

He deff fits to be the new pjb…i boght turbo hatch but i dont to register it or drive cuz i got smoked by pjb’s neon but volvos are cool so i boght a red one just like his poopstang…i hate my life