he’ll get his present at the little blue house when he drops off his car!!!:eek3:
where’s it say its his b-day?
Originally posted by Cutty
where’s it say its his b-day?
at chuckie cheese!!!
happy birthday!!!
oh, and yeah… this pic
happy bday
thanks guy i took my last test of the day so the drinking begins !!! looks like i amy be skipping class toamrrow :tounge:
happy b-day u lil bitch, hopefully this weekend will be good weather :bigthumb:
Originally posted by Cutty
happy b-day u lil bitch, hopefully this weekend will be good weather :bigthumb:
but i’ll have his T/A!!!:tounge:
Originally posted by Pewterss
but i’ll have his T/A!!!:tounge:
maybee not Still no parts They were supposed to three day the parts to me but i have yet to have anything waiting at my aptarment. Im going to call early tomarrow and bitch them out but i doubt itll do any good
I might just have the parts shipped to JJ’s So pm your name n address just incase
Originally posted by Silver_WS6
maybee notStill no parts They were supposed to three day the parts to me but i have yet to have anything waiting at my aptarment. Im going to call early tomarrow and bitch them out but i doubt itll do any good
I might just have the parts shipped to JJ’s So pm your name n address just incase
ITS on are web site!
OK i just called again and got it sent to
JJ’s Automotive
R.D. 4 Box 881
Mt. Plesant, PA 15666
Attn: brian
and gave them your telephone # it should be 2 day airmailed sending out tomarrow so look for it. !!!