HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my real father!!!






You get your AARP card today!?!?!

Happy Birthday Ralph -

bet you can’t blow out all your candles this year.

ur older then my dad

Happy Bday Butch :tup: Get out on that bike and enjoy the nice weatehr for your bday :bday:

happy birthday… HOpe to see You… the bike or the car out at mighty this summer sometime.

Happy Birthday!!!


Happy Birthday, my Secret Lover! :slight_smile:

Butchy!!! HAPPY Birthday !!!111111111111111111!!!..Whats UP

happy birthday!!


Happy Birthday Butch Slapper!!!

happy birthday

i’d really like a pic of butch wearing a sweet leather jacket with tassles, doing a totally hairy burnout while giving the middle finger with his left hand and fisting some hot babes ass with his right and holding the throttle open with his 3 foot penis.

dude, its 4 foot…

Happy Birthday, to the other “Old Guy”

Butch is having a house clearing sale, presumably to make room for his Craftmatic™ adjustable bed.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, to one of the few people here older than I am. :slight_smile:

:bday: Butch :slight_smile: