Happy Early Birthday PEWTER!

:love: :bukkake: :slap: :gaysex: :hsdance: :embarassd :naughty: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :kekegay:

old head, time to buy a vette triple white :bj:

Happy (early) Birthday! I say screw the Viper you need a Z06, long live the LS*!


Happy birthday old man :spank: Thats alot of spankin…

wow, your first daughter was almost, born on your birthday. ( 2 days before ) how weird is that :slight_smile:

except get a black z06

hows it feel to be 60?

dude your such a flaming tri sexual, SHUT UP :rolleyes:

Yeah, really. The odds are like what… 1 in 365? :finger:

5 in 365 of being within 2 days (could be the same day: 1 or 2 days in either direction: 2 x 2). :stuck_out_tongue: :moon:


shuddup mr.cmu :69: :bj:


no way, only true rides post… :hahano:

Happy birthday :booty:

Happy Birthday foo


All us REAL intellectuals know that theres 365 1/4 days in a year. Get with it, dork. How the hell did you get into CMU anyways? I thought you had to be AZN…

Why only 1 in 365.25 though? Shaggy said “almost (2 days)” born on Pewter’s Bday. There is 5 days that are within a 2 day window of Pewter’s Bday. There’s Pewter’s Bday itself (1), the 2 days before (2 & 3) and the 2 days after (4 & 5). Make sure you’re right before you try and be a know it all… okay ballride?



a real man would have reduced it to 1:73.05

Happy Birthday Pewter!!! :itr41: :blue:

thanks,my little sisters is tomorrow!!!