Morning all - how is the weather in the burgh and what is everyone up to today?
I got a plant and card from (the wife of) the guy I work with for Administrative Professionals Day. On Monday I got a big box of Pecanettes.
who’s humpin who?
What are pecanettes?
fuck hump day
Small pecans?
today sucks… allergies are killing me, got a headache & i sprained my thumb really bad the other day playing basketball…
hopefully things will get better this afternoon
They are like turtles… with caramel and pecans inside chocolate. Sarris makes them.
pecanettes suck
allergies are killing me, shit is breaking… fucking ghey
i start wrok at 9…this sucks i hate starting late…on this note…im off like a prom dress
i keep having to deal with vendors, and MCI sucks at giving updates.
i have been escalated to Level 5 at MCI…wtf level 5, i still wonder how many levels you can go up…
yea, I get to go downtown and have a meeting with Cisco today.
then tonight I have a final for school. Hump day sucks.
I love wednesdays. Work is easy, than afterwards its time to head down to wing nite at the club and then get drunk as fuck at a redneck bar.
in for wings and beer. Today is my day off. On my day off, I have to go in and check the chemicals in the pool, call up and bitch at the vendors who didnt deliver anything that was supposed to be delivered yesterday, call and schedule interviews with about a half dozen people, then I have an interview at 5 and mega hot girl is coming back at 6 to fill out tax documents and I have to give her all her lifeguarding information. Then at 6:30 I have my last Certified Poop Operator course, at the end of which I have to take my exam. If I fail I will have to retake it, and this will force us to postpone the opening of our $3 Million dollar pool, so theres a little pressure there. But the good news is that with all this crap I have to do today is gonna put be well over my 40 hours for the week, so I’m gonna tell my boss I’m not coming in till noon on Friday morning, and I have about a half dozen interviews for tomorrow all spaced out so I wont have to do any sort of real work. Then it will be time to hit the bar.
good planning mike,
wtf Poop Operator?!?
pool operator. It was a joke. The class is like the most boring/pointless/annoying insult to my intellegence ever. I dont think the majority of the people in the class with me can even read. I showed up late the one day and stayed late to make sure that I was counted as being there and there were some guys asking questions about stuff. The instructor was answering them, and I was too and after they left he asked me “so how many years have you been working with pools, you really seem to know your stuff”. I was like “about a week and a half :hsugh:”
work, eat wings, margaritas, no humpin :(, sleep. Im shooting for my goal of Mad Mex everynight this week, 2 down, 3 to go. :pimp:
i wanna hump
you leaving the door unlocked??? :naughty: