Happy Satan Day!


it won’t happen again for a long time. enjoy it.

it’s also national emo kid beatdown day. :slight_smile:

hoorah for satan day

I thought that ever day was national emo kid beat down day.









I’m going to stay away from this thread today. It scares me.

Plus, i’ve gotta attend a meeting with these folks.

It is also Liz’s Birthday

yay! time for the Dance of Death

Just another day.

I love all the retarded twats on the news this morning talking about postponing their c-sections until tomorrow so that their babies weren’t born today. Morons.




Any babies born yet today?

Heritic anthem FTW.

well, everyday you CAN beat down an emo kid. Just today, you HAVE to.

haha, that crazy bitch. :tup:

Satans day was 2000 years ago.

Happy anniversary!

you mean happy easter?

it was my dads birthday today…wel yesterday…6/6/06… i head on the radio some lady in the U.K stayed inside all day becuase it was her birthdya…she was turning 66…and when she was born…yup…she weight in at 6lbs and 6oz…hahaha

There was a kid born in Texas yesterday at 6:06 and weighed 6lbs 6oz.
Like woah!

my ticket to hell is bought and paid for,might as well celebrate my future home