
forgot to say earlier

and now i got new tires on it to…and i changed the oil!!!

just bragin b/c the gf said i prob wont pass emissons with my set up…but I DID!!! :blue:

i know :gives:

congrats…now sell it and go get a ws6

wanna race

sure…me and dental guy r meetin up for lunch today
dont know where u should come!!!

hahaha…in jan. or feb. wanna get some more cash saved up

Ill pass

boo…wanna race sometime soon…i wanna go to a track…wish prp would open up or something

sounds like someone else i know…hehe

haha…money…when u save a lot up for something you want…something unexpected happens and u have to spend it on that

hell yeah. i know all about it. but it will be sweet when it happens. plus, u can use the time to search for a nice one. ill prob be around feb also, now. i thought i could swing one now, but after i figured out my monthly payments, its smarter to just wait. i want them under 300/mo and to still have about 2gs left in my checking for the unexpected things that come up.

ya i hear ya…im thinking about holding off until then…and then when i get my full time job back too…but idk i was thinking about rebuilding the motor in my car…i got a cowl hood coming cheap i think…