Hasselhoff roast... who watched it?

I actually thought this was pretty good… got a few chuckles…

some memorable quotes…

i think greg giraldo? to pam andeson:
“you caused me to spill more seed than muhamad ali trying to fill a bird feeder”

Whitney Cummings to pam anderson:
“Pam, you slept with Bret Michaels, Tommy Lee, and Kid Rock, why don’t you save yourself some time and drink a vat of Magic Johnson’s blood.”

and then “Hey Hulk, everything I just said about Pam…applies to your daughter too.”

(he looked like he was gonna kill somebody… lol)

lisa lampenelli told Hulk Hogan
“shh, listen - its the sound of a 19 year olds balls slapping against your wifes ass”

… there were so many more … im surprised there isnt a thread about this already. Who watched it? whatd you think?

side note… pam anderson… still a babe.

word it was deffinatly funny

pam anderson was actually funny as hell.

i watched it, it was great.

“Your liver is so shriveled, black and dead if you put your ear to your side you can hear it going: ‘What you talkin’ about Willis?’”

im watching it now, LOLOLOLOL 19 year old balls hitting hulks ex wife’s chin

watched it.
was def funny

On now…

you beat me to the bump…

you look like susan boyle fucked snooki

They must of kept re-running it the night I watched after I fell asleep cuz I kept waking up every few hours to Gilbert Godfrey screaming about Pam’s huge vag.

i downloaded it and watched it today at work…i found myself LOLing at my cube neighbor asking wtf I way doing

“The last African American to pick cotton was pulling out Lisa Lampanelli tampon” :rofl:

Watched the roast of bob saget last night. Some pretty good material. I gotta start looking out for these more often :tup:

This is the first time a Jew gets to roast a German…

One of the best lines.

Actually this was probably one of the best roasts that they have done.