Have a blown/Destroyed Turbo laying around?

I am looking to see if anyone has turbo that is shot and is just laying around taking up space that i can have for a small project, i really only need the housing. Yes of coarse i will pay shipping.

i have a GT2871R in pieces… needs a new center cartridge…

i couldnt give it away though…

Would probably cost a lot to ship over the boarder as well

i’m over there every week anyways.

i got a stock t28

What do you want for it bing?

i would accept any reasonable cash offer since it’s been sitting for a while.

i recall the exhaust housing to be in excellent shape and the compressor housing to have some scarring i think… it’s been a while since i looked at it and it’s back in niagara at my parent’s place i think. The turbo exploded immediately so it has virtually no mileage on it :slight_smile: The fins on the CHRA are fuxxored

think you can snap a pic when you see it and send it to me?

pm me your email address and i’ll send over a couple that i have.

I’ve got a 14b DSM turbo completely assembled (clean too) if you feel like picking one up locally.

i cant pm until the mods turn them back on lol… its ctobias@towneauto.com or text me 716-255-1139. Ian that would be awesome can you also text me a pic?
