Have varmint problems?

bring something for victory donuts or you are not doing this. i’m serious…i want mud slinging donuts. my yard is fucked anyway, so don’t worry about it.

and don’t be scared. i live in a very secluded area. :lol:

and word dirty. the original post was way better. i got that email too.

ah god, i contemplated just posting “EDIT: nvm” on the basis that the whole concept of this thread just floored me from the get-go, so you gots to haves what you can get

You dont look like any of these guys by chance do you?



or this guy?

Cuz i got 50 bux that says you do :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a cat thats stuck in my tail pipe that you can shoot… but i think i’ll just start my car to get it out

50 caliber sniper rifle


www.ratzapper.com thing works awsome here…

Carl Spackler FTMFW!
“So I got that going for me… which is nice.”

On Discvovery Channel RIGHT NOW there are a bunch of Canadians getting out-smarted by squirrels, racoons, etc.:lol:
(All of those cheesy cable programs are filmed in Canada because it is much cheaper. Including SPEED shows)
You have to watch these whiney Canadians whining about how they have tried everything to stop these brilliant animals.:lol:

IVe got 2-3 woodchucks under my shed that id love to see get killed, Maybe we could skin them an make some hats? Or should i drill a hole in the floor an drop some m-80s or something down there for them kinda like a late christmas gift from me to them

lol i dont look like any of them. and sure, i guess i could throw in a couple victory doughnuts.

bump, anyone else?