Have varmint problems?

ill take care of them, im itching to take my gun out, wondering if anyone would let me take care of some varmints for them. aka squirrels, woodchucks, you get the idea. i would be using a .22. nothing big. let me know.

most white collar thread ever. you can come kill squirrels in my yard if you skin them and cook them.

neighbor: wtf was dex thinking

Dex: wtf was i thinking


you shoulda just put “i like killing small fuzzy creatures” in the title and then proceeded to ask who would help.

Man i gotta a 30 lb woodchuck and family i’d like to see gone…of couse he’s sleeping this time of year. I dont know if a 22 would do it though. I’ve been trying to get my buddy and a bow out here for a year or two to handle it


A .22 is too small for a woodchuck. Generaly speaking people use a .223, 30-06, 22-250, 243, etc. You need something that will accuratly shoot to a few houndred yards and have some knockdown power. Woodchucks are tough little critters. If you can manage to get close to them I would use a 12 gage…thats what I do lol :stuck_out_tongue:

thx brian, i do like killing small furry animals, i have a .223, and .22 mag, ive killed woodchucks with all 3 of my guns, .22lr, .22 mag. and my .223. but yea, ill kill what ya got, no cost. give me details if your serious.

I have killed them with .22 as well…but it took 3 shots to the head to kill the damn thing lol. They are tough little fuckers.

the .22 mag will do a number on the head, so will the .223.


i got small mice in my garage. they are driving me nuts. i try to seal up the garage but they still get in and poo everywhere

that’d be awesome. my neighbors already think we are crazy for a variety of reasons. this would just add to it. if i let you come over and shoot squirrels you have to bring the jimmy i’m assuming you own and blow victory donuts on my front lawn. if the cops show up (they know us well, so it’s quite probable), you’re on your own.

no the jimmy is long gone. i had an off roading incident go bad. lol im not a redneck, i just enjoy shooting. so i figured i would help others out, while i get to enjoy the shooting.

EDIT: i could bring something else if you are really excited about victory doughnuts.

Red squirrels, Wood chucks, Crows, Muskrats, Fox, Coyote, Racoons…All considered “pests” and have a year round open season to my knowlage. Happy hunting!

Go .50 cal or go home.

whats with the edit?? the first comment was much funnier…

Be a man,take them in hand to hand combat.

lol yea.
