Because the commercials are either old or not shot in hi-def. The news is probably not shot in Hi-Def either. (Which is probably a good thing for Kathleen Leighton, as she’ll be out of a job if that happens. Fuck that craterfaced bitch.)
Keep in mind this is a transition period, and not all broadcasts have adopted the 16:9 aspect ratio yet.
No recommendations here, but if your TV has a signal strength meter, experiment with antenna placement and aiming (the Antennaweb link shows most of your stations in the same direction, most of them are in E. Aurora, Fox is on Grand Island.) You should be able to get the best possible signal that way. Keep in mind that since the signal is digital, you’ll either have a good picture, or it’ll go all blocky and drop out. If it is fuzzy at times, it is because the camera they are using at that particular moment is a non-HD camera. You see this alot in football games, and my father says its even worse with golf. (I don’t watch golf, so I’ll take his word for it).