WELL! i just got back from Phila./hitting up the gap. just made it from phila.-west palm in 16 hours without stops(besides gas and i got DairyQueen) my body is fucked right now. but im glad. it was a great week. had a few nice milestones/experiences/etc.
HERE IS “Professional” pictures taken by us129photos.com
if you click the right arrow fast enough its like watching me drive the dragon very slow like(tho im not driving slow at all really)
lol im now@11,900 and this was taken on tuesday
^^this is the “start” of deal’s gap that road up the hill in the backround is US129
on top of the mountain on the Tenn. side
facin the tenn. side
the last sections of deals gap(from S-N) are going down into Tenn.
and coming down the mountain my Current Consumption of gas was 99.9MPG
and i know the photos blow. but the light was terrible and my point and shoot digital elph can only do so much.
hope you enjoyed.
I HIGHLY recommend driving US129 and the surround byways. some of the best mountain runs you can have. do it mid week tho. i had barely any traffic and what i did have pulled over to let me pass.