Deal's Gap

Anyone ever been?

318 turns in 11 miles of scenic and twisty US 129

Not yet, but before I die…

Haha I actually put that as my “destination” for all the corny senior stuff in the high school year book. :lol: :lame:

im pretty sure soloIIscoob did it

haha Maybe when I have a week off work I will just go there.
I have always wanted to

I’m going this june to ride.

ya, I have been there. We ended up driving through it at midnight when we got there because our hotel was on the other side. it is much more then you anticipate. kinda nuts… a lot of people got sick from driving it. if you go left you are going right shortly there after. worth the trip!!

My dad has done it a couple of times on the bike.Absolutely loves it and He just turned 70 Last week.I know he did it last year again.Not sure of his plans for it this year

yeah i remember him posting up a bunch of pictures from driving it. looked pretty cool.

i will go there before i die…

Its undescribible!spell check I went with justin-redconquestsi and will defenetly go back again someday!!!

I know SoloIIscoob was there…

Been there multiple times. Used to live in Knoxville, TN, about 45 minutes away (was at the Dragon many weekend), and went down in '02 for a TT event. For those who truly LIKE to drive, this is a must-do trip.

Likely great, but I’m sure the level of ass-clownery is quite high.

Yup. the cherohala > DG IMO

do go during the week, do go in the off season, and most importantly DO STAY ON YOUR SIDE OF THE ROAD.

man that looks like fun.

Anyone know the posted limit?


Multiple times. My brother and I have both laid bikes down on it. Worth the trip and I’ll be back again. Rocked it in a car too and it was good times.

is it heavily policed?

yeah iv been before. i was there in the summer of 06. me and my dad put our bikes in the bed of the truck and drove to ashville n.c. we spent the night in tents at a campground and early in the morning drove 110 miles to deals gap. when we arrived there were more sport bikes than i could count. the only thing that sucks about “the dragon” is that all cars and trucks that go down the road. It is only one lane each way and there is a double yellow the whole time with alot of blind corners. Also, there is alot of cliff like edges along the road that makes it very unsafe. I didnt see very many police so people were passing and riding very fast paced. i felt right at home. what i liked more that deals gap was the state park that is like 50 miles long located near. the corners were farther appart and u were able to hit some good speeds. where at deals gap u stay in 2nd gear pretty much the whole time. i think the corners are too close together just one after the other. dont get me wrong it was sick and a experince ill never forget. i also seen someone crash trying to keep up with his friends who were farther ahead. he came into a corner too fast and over shot the turn right into a ditch. luckily he was ok. from what i understand there are crashes there every day. I am probrobly going there again this year so im sure some of u may want to car pool just a though. but go and experience alot of sick twists.

I know RedConquestTSi has been, I think more than once.