Blue Ridge Parkway / Deals Gap

Has anyone here ever rode US 129 in North Carolina?

A bunch of guys from work, including myself, are heading down in September. Just wondering what it’s like…I’ve heard stories, but never saw pictures or anything.

for anyone that doesn’t know…Deals Gap aka The Tail of the Dragon is a section of road in NC to Tennesee that has 318 turns in 11 miles.

Funny we were talking about the same trip for september. Tail of the dragon seems like it would be a lot of fun.

We’re leaving for there on September 15th. We’re going to trailer to NC, ride 200 some miles on Blue Ridge Parkway then finish on the tail of the dragon and come home.

I heard the scenery there is unreal too. Supposedly The Tail of the Dragon is heavily watched now. More cops every day. 2 people died this season already.

I have always wanted to attack the tail of dragon with my civic. I have heard the colder months are the best time to advoid cops(as long as its not snow covered). If i had time to learn it cops wouldnt be issue on road like that with car like mine a civic that pulls over 1g vs crown vic that is slower in everyway on tail of the dragon equals crown vic ownage(or anything ownage for the matter)

I will make it down there someday, and take some incar video for you guys.

I heard that the cops sit in the woods, videotape, then radio ahead to the end of the road.

ha i guess i cant beat that :bash:. My car doesnt squeal tire so they could only get me for speeding and isnt the limit like 55mph(very fast for road like that). I love how reckless driving 95percent of the time is defined as squealing tire. which my car just simply doesnt do.

It has on the website somewhere what the posted speed limit is. I heard it was dropped a few years ago and lowered again recently. I don’t know what it is, though.

Looks like a blast on a bike … :bigthumb:

Forgot that I started this thread.

The tail of the dragon had ALOT of bikes on it. Almost too many. We figured out that anywhere in that area has crazy fun secondary roads, though. Routes 221, 28, etc. We’re going again next summer…riding the dragon during a weekday when it’s not so busy then mapping out a 300 mile secondary road loop.

Tons of fun there, though. I’d suggest that trip to anyone with a bike. Cruiser, sportbike, or supermoto. Great scenery and super fun riding.

We put 570 miles on the odometers in one day.

wow looks like fun