Deal's Gap

There are some great vids on youtube of people driving through this. Lots of crashes too

you have to enjoy driving to like it.

i went when i was driving from west palm beach, fl to phila., pa. just because i wanted to even tho it was VERY out of the way.

impressions:i went in october and it was nice and clear not too too much traffic. the roads around it, i.e. the blueridge parkway and other area roads are just as fun and less traffic ridden and police enforced. i did not obey the 25mph speed, nor did i stick to my lane 100% of the time. HOWEVER, before ppl freak out i only did it when i knew/saw that it was clear, and i was WAY ahead. i drove it like GT4, in that you have to be ahead as far as the road is presented to you.

go. love it. take lots of pictures and remember to keep the rubber side down. GL
^^taken by killboy photography.

more pictures of what the road is actually like:
my car is here:

nice shot of what its like at max. grip