Headed out for Deal's Gap right now(UPDATED WITH PICS post#10)

it was INFUCKINGCREDIBLE. i made 3 passes 2 going north and 1 going south.

my second northern run was made in about 16 minutes. which is pretty damn good.

LOTs of pictures to be coming from www.us129photos.com and when i can get back to my cpu to upload some.

and to answer hummingbird
Originally Posted by SoloIIscoob http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif
and i know evanexcense(sp) sucks but this guy(paulie) had 1 of the sickest WRXs ever.

watch his siqness @ deal’s gap

why does one of the camera positions show flames shooting out of the wheel - fender gap? in the last quarter of the vid

that is sparks from his brakes(carbon/ceramic Brembo GT) and thats a siq shot BTW