Headliner party, friday night 5/1- big red residence.


just shows how i dont even read what you post

and i dont need no hooked on fonix.

I AiNt UsE nOnE h00kd oN fhanex

yea we can watch pete and murdogg go at it.

cazzz u down, i know u said u wanted to see this.

sooo everyone is going to come over and watch you wrap a headliner??:sleep:sleep:sleep

should be a slammin time

and people are gonna hassle him to buy pizza and your gonna require to “chip-in” on getting your share

orrrr pop in frozen pizzas.

depends on the time poopmaster… I have a date tomorrow… with a girl

L M F A O:rofl

false, lance isn’t a girl.

false… isn’t lance fact= if it was lance I would have came out and said lance and I have a date tomorrow Question= which bears are best?

the birds that made a nest in his hair are, though

woooo woooo

see first post clown

nevermind… ive been losing basic intelligence lately

fuckin SUCKS

fixed :thumbup

You want the woooop wooooooop - not the wooo wooo - you tard.


I’llll be there…
…putting a large dent in your pop’s bacardi.

Plus the new whip may need a dope new headliner.

headliner should be the least of your concerns as far as the interior of that car goes

selling me the corbeau should be your #1 prioritaayyyy :excited

wheres ur house?