Lot Friday?

EDIT-I forgot the cruise was the 25th

EDITV2-Maryland job is dicking me around, may be starting Monday the 27th, if thats the case I wont make the cruise and will be down to the lot this Friday…

Okay, I am in Cobleskill… I think I know where said “lot” is, but can someone PM me the details?

I’ll be there in the new whip.

The lot is McDonald’s on Central Ave by Kohl’s Plaza.

i wanna see the new whip cossey!!! pics or ban!!!..

I’ll have some Thursday night. Nick is gonna take some for me.

I’ll be there on the Husky.

bitch you need rest for sat. ill be there bright and early, i wanna see if i can pound out 3 cars on sat :smiley:

You work, I sleep.

WTF. What cruise?

Sticky…someone edited ‘cruise’ out of it.

Might be out Friday but Im not sure. Ive got a concert to go to so it depends on what time I get out of that and how tired I am.

You guys should just cruise to LVD and hang out. lol

I’ll be at the lot Friday night, it’s gonna be so nice out!

Uh… isn’t the cruise the 25th…

Holy crap, its supposed to be 66 FRI.

+1 I just noticed that too

friday night at micky D’s? ill be there

Yea right, thats what you said last time. I was with Trevor and Brett eatin’ dose wings at otooles!!

I can haz “dose wings”?

9-11 Half off FTW. :vlad

Noice… btw im still butt hurt about murray demolitiong us on friday :cry:

Meh, if it was anyone else. Murray is teh man.