Hell of a lift.....

He has a few vids up on the Jeepforum but this has to be the best so far
[http://www.fototime.com/ftweb/bin/ft.dll/detailfs?userid={7E16EC62-DE62-4DDE-8C4D-A7A5B61056A6}&ndx=22&slideshow=0&AlbumId={31B4432E-54C3-4796-90B6-6F7874BD8292}&GroupId=&screenheight=768<br />](http://www.fototime.com/ftweb/bin/ft.dll/detailfs?userid={7E16EC62-DE62-4DDE-8C4D-A7A5B61056A6}&ndx=22&slideshow=0&AlbumId={31B4432E-54C3-4796-90B6-6F7874BD8292}&GroupId=&screenheight=768<br />)

whoopsie! got a little rock stuck in there

I wann see teh jack to lift the truck when he gets a flat.

Wow look at that photoshop. :bloated:


Someone photoshop Treak’s vette into the background. Make this the ultimate imaginary vehicle thread.


Its funny cause I actually saw him out in that last year.

United is doing a similar project…


I wann see teh jack to lift the truck when he gets a flat.


I want to see the spare tire.

i want to see him puncture those tires

i thought this was the same truck but its not but ill post anyways http://www.mallcrawlin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6411

them axels are nasty

ugly, i hate it


i thought this was the same truck but its not but ill post anyways http://www.mallcrawlin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6411


That thing is wasted

Its real and old.