Hello Again To Those I Knew & Hello For The First Time To Those I Don't

Well Hi!!
For those of you who don’t know me I am Abby & for those of you who already know me you’ll recognize the member name.
I was contacted by an old friend from UBRF and urged me to join this forum so I decided it would be fun ( and I needed a distraction from writing stupid papers for school)
Well… That’s about it.:redface:

Ohhhh… In before page 3 due to the username.

I do remember you from UBARF though. Welcome over here.

omg u were one of the first barfers i ever met at btc welcome

Whats up girl




me …

wow you have a better memory than myself because I don’t remember ever booting there LoL

omg, speak of the devil >_>

Proof of hotness in said Jeep

Hey there, Its Brian from rochester with the old school z. I haven’t talked to you in forever. Aaron bluestone is my roomate now. We have a pretty sweet pad. You should come play in rochester one of these weekends.
What are you driving these days.

still rockin the keep :wink:


You should come play in rochester one of these weekends.
What are you driving these days.


again. creepy ass fuckers.

^ LOL sureshot … nice

welcome :wave:


in on 1

lol i remember you. i was eclipse_chick23 or something
holla at an attention whore :stuck_out_tongue:

jamin on a one. ja ja jamin on a one

oh hey!


welcome n junk :slight_smile: