Hello Again To Those I Knew & Hello For The First Time To Those I Don't

jeep, maybe.

hottie. false.

although your username is not the only deceptive one in the thread.

hot? NO
kid? Definitely not
rod? … … … maybe?

requesting mod intervention to prove if is troll or alleged chick from years ago

lol where is dozr. and where are the pics of friend in spiderman underwears


do you still suck dick better then any other girl ?

and will you still suck any guys dick to prove it ?

…just curious…

(i4b this thread flushes fatser then my toilet)


holy shit… u are an asshole


requesting mod intervention to prove if is troll or alleged chick from years ago


its her

lol… this got out of hand fast. But i dont think i expected anything less

An aim name search yeilds:


and a cached myspace page:

so this is what it feels like to be a [strike]stalker[/strike] HotRodKid.

Well, the way I see it, you hung out with the car crowd a lot more than most of the guys on here. We all had fun back in the BTC days and you were always there.

Welcome back…


An aim name search yeilds:


and a cached myspace page:

so this is what it feels like to be a [strike]stalker[/strike] HotRodKid.




so this is what it feels like to be a [strike]stalker[/strike] HotRodKid.


lol :headbang:



An aim name search yeilds:


and a cached myspace page:

so this is what it feels like to be a [strike]stalker[/strike] HotRodKid.



I’m a little scared that you went on a past myspace page and found my pictures. Doesn’t bother me if you don’t think I’m hott…not everybody can think that but I’m sure some do.
Unlike before…I’m not looking for drama. This thread got a little out of control by people (some of which I have no idea who you are). I just wanted to say hi…so mission accomplished.
Thanks for all those who didn’t get out of control and respected the real point of the post. Simply remember…if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all…:redface:



I’m a little scared that you went on a past myspace page and found my pictures. Doesn’t bother me if you don’t think I’m hott…


i have a problem with:
people who think that they are “hott”
people who spell hot with a pair of t’s

and FYI finding your MS took about 4 keystrokes and 5 mouseclicks. :wink:

lol it sucks being a chick on nyspeed. haha newman you’re crazy.


lol it sucks being a chick on nyspeed. haha newman you’re crazy.


See…Jess knows the hard knocks of being a girl on teh speed… cause everyone hates her :stuck_out_tongue:

hahaha, as they should

fucking chicks, i hate 'em… they have no place here on a CAR FORUM.



i have a problem with:
people who think that they are “hott”
people who spell hot with a pair of t’s

and FYI finding your MS took about 4 strokes and 5 tissues. :wink:




lol it sucks being a chick on nyspeed. haha newman you’re crazy.


i have no problems with girls on nyspeed, just ones that are full of themselves…

ie. OP





i have real life for that.