Hello NYSpeed

hey there, welcome :wave:

sup, nice ride.



For the longest time I thought your name was “mXc” as in Most Extreme Challenge and I roffled for a little bit.

Then i was saddened that it wasn’t, but it’s ok, you’re still alright.


hey girlie!

I have a white civic too…but older, and no trunk per say. Welcome.

she is a female, this much get min 3 pages:mamoru:

:wave:somone i can acully beat at pool.


Your info is incorrect, I thought you moved to Ohio?


ugh…No, Last time I checked I was in Rochester. Hold on let me look again…oh wait…maybe…nope nope this is Rochester. ( greece if you want to be technical) Btw I wasnt talking to you, I was saying hi to Marnie my location is none of ur concern. and Mike, you really need a life outside of the internet if you have the time to go make that pic. :rolljerk:

I leave sat thankgod.

welcome! :slight_smile: :wave:

welcome aboard :wave: