hello :)

hahaha, i’m not easily offended

Have no fear, many others think the same as well…

Anyhow, HI!


Uh, hi…

i can see this is gonna be fun.

nice try, it was a good first effort. i’m expecting something better next time tho. we can whip em out and measure maybe? i’m sure i’ll win. :wink: that is assuming you’re a guy… if you’re a girl… hahahahahahahahahhaha

Tip: dont wear a skirt when working on cars while around guys.

OKAY! It’ll be a measuring party!

only if the guys can measure too!!

haha actually pretty funny

into cars?

its so amusing what happens when a girl signs up on here. anyways welcome to nyspeed. what do you drive?

haha seriously page3 of a welcome thread w00000000000000000 b0000bies!!

these intro threads have really sucked the big one lately


^^^what she said, and Welcome :wave:

im set for 10 posts per page … so welcone to page 5 already …

lol…might as well add to this thread…


I’m here for the gangbang

easy guys… i should change my avatar…

i expect nothing less than 5 pages of leghumping