Helm manual

Ok i’m trying to order a Helm manual to learn how to work on my honda motor and i go to the website and it’s just jargon. i put in the type of engine and type of manual i want and it gives me like 50 choices and the only difference between them is the serial number which means nothing to me. they offer no explanation and they don’t differentiate between all the options. someone help because i dunno which one i need.

nobody knows?!?!?

You want like a helms manual you can get at any parts store? a service manual isnt going to help you learn how to work on it :wink:

Haynes manual maybe?

Kyle, here is the one you want (engine-wise)

thanks steve, why doesn’t anybody know about these? no i wasn’t talking about hanes, helms is like 1000 pages long and tells you everything you could ever want to know

But every Helms I have ever had were more shop techinical manuals, than teach you how to work one your engine manuals.

My Haynes manual has gotten me through everything I’ve done so far…

Helms supposed to be more in depth?

Helms provides the factory service manuals, there is nothing better to use for your car. it makes haynes look like an 0wn3rs manual


n00bchanics FTW

I think i have an integra floating around