what? english please.
:rofl Buy a new helmet, that one is beyond useless for protecting your head.
must have.
I ended up going to Griffin’s today. $10.79 for the pads and Ill have them in a week. They had to order them. I was expecting to pay alot more.
The helmet is really fine. Its not broken from the fall. No cracks and I cant afford another $140 helmet anyway.
So buy an 70$ one ur brains not that important anyway’s…:retardclap
Nothing wrong with the helmet itself so no sense in buying a new one
Even visually if the helmet appears to look ok, if it’s hit the ground it isn’t recommended to use the helmet. That’s your call though if your cheap and don’t care about your own safety.
Whats wrong with it if its not cracked? I dont get it. No damage other than a missing pad.
That’s always what i’ve always been told regardless if it was cracked. If you take a digger with the helmet, replace it. $200 isn’t alot of money if you ask me to protect your head.
Its just money I dont have.
Is this for 1/4 mile use or dirt bike use?
I originally bought it for racing the car but use it for the quad too.
For racing, even with internal shell being structurally damaged it should suffice since it’s mostly to physically protect your head by having something around you with padding.
I would however strongly advise against the use of it on the quad, however as it would be no better then riding without a helmet at all. The helmets are rated to protect for one fall from about 5 feet. That’s what the entire internal structure is manufactured for, not for abrasion (outer shell) or direct high speed impact (crashing into objects) but just your head falling straight to the ground from 5 feet +.
Look into buying another helmet for quad use. You can get them cheap online on last year models (less then 100$) and a cheap undamaged helmet is better then one that’s been dropped.
Splat your head then bro. Good luck.
As vlad said, helmets are a one time use thing. They take one hit and its time for a new one. Stop spending money on stupid shit for a day and protect your head, its not like you have health ins. to pay for tje brain damage you may get using a busted helmet.