That’ll be fine w/o answering your questions :hitit:
hey if you’re serious, then pm me i need legal advice haha
sorry dude, just kidding around.
Don’t question the cop. You will just make it worse. If he knows you used your turn signal, then he knows it was you. Just eat your punishment/fine and try not to be stupid next time.
Plead Not Guilty
Dont dress like a slop to court
Be very polite to the judge and DA
Hope for the best :tup:
this is what I did when I got caught driving without a license, in OP mind you and they dropped it to a parking violation and I got a $75 dollar fine.
I just hope the same thing happens when I go for my driving after 9 ticket
heres how it will work… plead not guilty.
Show up on court date… (Call the court and ask what time you should show up if it’s not on the ticket)
Note: No hats, G-wear etc… Wear some nice pants / shorts, polo shirt, button up shirt etc.
Make sure you show up early because otherwise you’ll be there forever.
Sign in
They will call you in to talk to the DA…
You see the DA… the DA will say “hello, you can pay X in parking fines, and go to school at X within X days, you will return here w/ proof and pay your fines”
You will see the Judge Judge will say
“Hello (your name here) you agree to pay X in parking fines, and go to school at X witnin X days, you will return here w/ proof and pay your fines”
then you will say YEs… and be on your way out the door… Poorer, and with less time, and a trip to ECC or somewhere for school.
wow, that’s the best information I’ve had lol. Now I know what to expect, I thought it would kinda be like a whole trail where the cop has to present his case and question me and blah blah. You win so far!
unless your caught in some town in the boonies where they dont have a DA (the cop acts as DA)… you most likely wont see that cop
If you go to court in the City of Buffalo, the officer also acts as DA.
If you go to court in the city of buffalo you are going to see the Judge, and that’s it… then you are arguing your case not pleaing it down… becaues the city of buffalo does not plea down… I know from experience… (Cost me my licence and bout 300 billz)
luckily, i was in kenmore. The court in kenmore has a DA, correct?
not 100% if the kenmore court has a DA… but if they dont… remove the word DA, and insert Judge / Officer…