Help pricing Miata

My dad is looking to sell the 1990 he bought off my sister last year. White, fresh paint, new tires, new brakes, 95k miles. Bone stock, roof doesn’t leak. What is a good price for selling this thing?

ill give ya 500 bucks…lol… let me know what you come up with for a price

useful for knowing what a car is worth, not what a car will actually sell for. but it’s as good a place to start as any…

I’d say 2 to 3 thousand sounds about fair. It’s a 20 year old car.


is it 5spd? if so, Paging a certain someone…

Lets get some more info… might be interested for the right price…

Look on autotrader and make yourself an average.

yes, 5spd. pics and better details coming this weekend…

$1,500. calling iank


I would say under 2000.

90s and earlier have the short nose crank (key way fails)
and the 1.6

depending how quick you want to sell it… you can get more than 2 for it but it may take a few weeks to find the right buyer

$2k is less than he paid for it, and then he got some paint! He bought it off my sister to help her buy her 2009 Miata. He wants to sell it though, we’ll see what he gets…

I typically look through ebay’s completed auctions for similar cars to get an idea of market value

Shit. Always has to happen at the wrong time, later in the season I most likely would have given you cash immediately. Anyway like minglor said, early miatas with the 1.6 arent worth much these days, 2K sounds about fair.

thanks for the advice, look for a for sale thread this weekend/early next week.