Hey everyone

Just joined last week. Wanted to introduce myself. I’m a regular on GTRC.

Here are pics of my cars. The Z32 is for sale, by the way.



welcome man…very nice car! hope 2 see you in our meets …:slight_smile:

Welcome. Nice garage. Three cars to drool over.

welcome welcome… make sure to post the z32 in the for sale section… hope to see one of those wicked cars at a meet :smiley:

Very nice cars man, welcome to TNC


Welcome, hope to see you soon

Yes, very nice trio of Nissan’s, it seems you live in a Condo, and have underground parking, if it were me i’d put a barracade around those sweet cars you have,hehehe.

very nice.

Thanks for the warm welcome guys! Hopefully I can make it out to some meets.

Welcome to the site. Nice rides-my opinion, keep the Z32 :wink: