Hey Fry... :tup:

our organization’s Internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time.


The Websense category “Proxy Avoidance” is filtered.



haha pwned…

my work blocks proxy’s but for some reason this one ha slipped through the web filter…

SSH Tunnels are your friend

wtf is that?

but the funny thing is, look at how the sheep followed you.


I was just hoping to get a whole page of :suckoff: going one after another.

Don’t call me a newman sheep follower :squint:


Yeah WTF? This thread was supposed to be about me! :mad:

Infractions for everyone who didn’t post :suckoff:

Fuck it you know what?
No more Mr. Nice Guy, I come in these threads and I post so that you all think someone gives a damn about your stupid worthless so called “life” well this is the end of the fucking line. From now on I’m gonna make your message board life a living hell and you cant do anything about it except burn, and if someone comes to put the fire out ill tear them down like a tree limb by limb just like I did you. I almost want you to test me just so I can unleash the beast on your sorry ass and be done with you forever so go ahead and give me the green light, faggot.


“A diarrhea of words and a constipation of actions.”

ok. if thats how you want it to be, your choice. do you honestly think i cant bribe Daddie for your ip adress? everyone has a price. im on 2 grams of test a week and a gram of tren. do this a couple months back, ok, i mightve let it slide, now, someone so much as looks at me the wrong way an theres gonna be probs, lucky for me they always back the fuck down so i dont gotta get my hands dirty. i know youll try the same when shit hits the fan but dont think ill be so linient, cause i wont.

dont say i didnt warn you… You little bitch.


Who stuck the burr under your saddle?

Sorry. I love ethug.txts and I found a new folder of them to copy and paste. They seemed appropriate and I was hoping to get some back at me.




+1 karma

The engine’s runnin’ but ain’t nobody driving I see, why not make up your own material

They are classics bro. Classics.

You can put your boots in the oven, but that don’t make 'em biscuits
