Hey... Josh... and Newman [LINK] Toronto Star online article >>

Wow, not an article i expected. I was thinking there would be tons of car pics and mine would be thrown in. I defiently didn’t expect any kind of write-up.

I find it funny that “BattleBots” made it in there. I was talking about how i first got into doing work with Kevlar and Carbon Fiber and how it went back to my robot building days. I didn’t think you would remember half the stuff that was talked about during my walk-thru. Probably because i didn’t know you were involved with a newspaper.

Mike, i love how your car is considered a “disaster”, that’s awesome.

On a similar note…

To look at this, it’s pretty impressive that of all the cars there (200+?), the NYSpeed cars had a great impact on overall show and quality of its participants. That’s great for the NYSpeed community. It’s just too bad the “NYSPeed.com” was mentioned to help broaden our member base.

Thanks “the dude” for the work that went into this and getting it published. :tup: