deja vooo all over again
Hi im glad your back… yay!!
That’s my avatar you bastard… :mad:
Nice to see you back.
Originally posted by Black_WS6
Originally posted by BlkP42E
nope, just a PITTspeed group hug.
Explanation for your sebaticle?
Originally posted by huskysgrl
That’s my avatar you bastard… :mad:Nice to see you back.
i wonder where you got it…i was using it while you were still on pittracing…
i stole it from a fbody forumn
Mike had it as his avatar somewhere… can’t remember where and I stole it from him.
Originally posted by Craig King
Explanation for your sebaticle?
personal issues with my son and brother just needed some space…nothing really important
welcome back, hope eveyrthings alrite for you
long time no see…
(24 hours or so…)
welcome back.
Originally posted by dgramc
welcome back, hope eveyrthings alrite for you
its cool but i might be car less for a while so my brother can use the camaro to get to work
didnt know you were gone… there were plenty other slow camaros to pick on while you were gone however.
bye the way i might be looking for a car reasonable that runs so if someone can find one let me know