
My name is Mike and I just joined Toronto Nissans even tho I live in Windsor.
Just saying hi to you all b4 i post in other threads.
You all have awesome cars and hopefully I get to meet and talk to some of you.
Way to go at importfest!!!

Hey welcome to the board man, hope you enjoy yourself here.

No worries about being in Windsor as anyone can join.

Cheers :smiley:

and not everyone is from toronto, im all the way in kitchener :slight_smile:

welcome abord.

what do you drive?

My 2 cents


Hey im new here aswell…but im not far out…only in brampton

so why dont you make your own thread so we can welcome you properly :R

welcome spectqlr enjoy your stay at TNC

Welcome to everyone! See you all at the next meet… whenever that will be.