
Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I am new to the site my friend told me to look on here when I said I wanted a new car in the summer. I have a 5spd 2wd 99’ s10 pickup. About 3 or 4 months ago i lowered it cuz i got bored and last summer i put a new clutch in. I live outside of Butler its about an hour away from Pittsburgh. Well I hope in the spring/summer someone will have a car the will catch my eye and if anyone wants to buy a s10 in the summer we can talk.

-Jon Boy-

Welcome :beer:


welcome :slight_smile:

My truck is a 2.2L 4cycler (wish it was a 4.3 vortec) 5speed. I havent really done to much proformance cuz i am just goin to sell my truck in the summer anyway.





S-10s are nice candidates for V-8 swaps. Welcome.
